Bioinformatics Scientist

Bioinformatics is the science of collecting and analyzing complex biological data such as genetic codes. Bioinformatics scientists use technology and computer science to study and find solutions in the area of biology. They collaborate with scientists across disciplines including microbiology, computer science, physics and mathematics to collect, store and analyze biological data. Using this data, they can help can farmers to grow stronger disease- and insect-resistant crops and improve livestock by making them more resistant to diseases and more productive.

What Responsibilities Will I Have?

  • Collect, manage and study genomic (referring to the structure, function, evolution, mapping and editing of an organism’s complete set of DNA) and biological data using computer software
  • Collaborate with scientists on the development of new technologies and research methods
  • Identify and develop software tools for efficient data collection and for mining (the process of analyzing a large batch of information to discern trends and patterns) biological data
  • Collaborate closely with scientists from a variety of disciplines
  • Develop reusable information libraries
  • Create processes for data integration and automated data mining
  • Provide training to staff in understanding the results of bioinformatics data
  • Transform bioinformatics data into information that can be used for the creation of higher yielding crops and pest control solutions
  • Share modern computational methods and bioinformatics solutions
  • Assist researchers in best practices for data representations and reports
  • Report progress in relation to objectives and critical milestones to program leaders
  • Ensure compliance with all existing safety standards in the area of responsibility
  • Evaluate potential risks of research activities

Recommended High School Courses:

  • agricultural education
  • statistics
  • computer skills
  • mathematics
  • focus on sciences such as chemistry, biology and physics

Education/Training Required:

A master’s degree in genomics, bioinformatics, computational biology, physics, computer science mathematics or a similar degree field is required. However, some employers may require a doctoral degree.

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