Career Focus Areas
Start Exploring Career Focus Areas

Agribusiness Systems
Connect the business world and agriculture with a variety of diverse careers.
Career Focus Examples
Agriculture Broadcaster
Grain Buyer
Human Resources Manager
Marketing Specialist

Agricultural Education Systems
Prepare students to be successful in their agricultural professions.

Agriculture Technology Systems
Using technology in a variety of fields to increase yield, efficiency, and profitability.

Environmental Service Systems
Combine science and engineering to make Earth a cleaner and healthier place.

Food Products and Processing Systems
Work with the physical, chemical and biological make-up of foods.

Plant Systems
Understand plants and explore how they impact our world.
Career Focus Examples
Community/Urban Farmer
Crop Adjuster
Golf Course Superintendent
Hydroponics Producer

Skilled Trades Systems
The application of specialized knowledge, abilities, and hands-on skills.
Career Focus Examples
Assembly Technician
Heavy Duty Equipment Technician

Sustainability Systems
Looking at a balance between economic concerns and impact to the environment.
Career Focus Examples
Alternative Energy Specialist
Biological Technician
Biorefining Manager
Marketing Specialist