Agricultural Science Teacher - Secondary
Agriculture science teachers educate students about agriculture, food and natural resources. Through these subjects, agriculture science teachers educate students on a wide variety of skills, including science, math, communications, leadership, management and technology. In addition, many advise an FFA chapter.
What Responsibilities Will I Have?
- Educate students about agriculture, food and natural resources to improve agricultural literacy
- Conduct an instructional program that educates students about career pathways in agriculture
- Enhance youth leadership and FFA as an integral part of instruction
- Initiate, facilitate and moderate classroom discussions
- Supervise and maintain the school laboratory used for students’ supervised agricultural experiences
- Supervise and coach competitive career development event and leadership development event teams
- Oversee supervised agricultural experience programs
- Provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to compete in a global economy
- Prepare teaching plans, demonstration plans and teaching materials for all classes
- Assess student achievement through formal and informal testing
- Plan and conduct an organized program of instruction and/or community involvement with the community. This may include, but is not limited to alumni, young farmers and booster clubs.
- Prepare and submit FFA rosters, entries, registrations, etc. promptly and keep accurate files of all records and reports
- Maintain a professional relationship with colleagues, students, parents and community members
- Attend area, state and national training meetings
Recommended High School Courses:
- agricultural education
- science
- mathematics
Education/Training Required:
A bachelor’s degree in agricultural education or another agriculture-related field when coupled with appropriate state teaching license is needed.