Procesador de matanza - Recorte/Corte

In the process of slaughtering, a person who works in trimming/cutting will process slaughtered beef, sheep, goat, pork and/or poultry by cutting the carcass (the body of a livestock animal

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Procesador de matanza - Operario general

In the process of slaughtering, a general operator processes the slaughtering of beef, sheep, goat, fish, pork and poultry to meet site compliance standards and targets. General operators prepare carcasses

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Representante de ventas: Equipos y Sistemas Agrícolas

Sales representatives specializing in agricultural equipment, agricultural systems or precision agriculture technology are responsible for selling products and services in their assigned territory. They act as the face of the

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Jefe de piezas

Parts managers maintain efficient and proper parts for agricultural equipment and related goods. They will operate the department at maximum production while controlling costs, maintaining inventory records, and providing warranty

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Patólogo veterinario

Veterinary pathologists are doctors of veterinary medicine who diagnose diseases by examining animal tissue and body fluids. Anatomical veterinary pathologists diagnose disease based on examination of organs, tissues and bodies.

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Procesador de matanza - Envasado/Escalas

In the process of slaughtering, people who work in packing/scales will manually or with the use of machinery package, weigh and sort processed slaughtered beef, sheep, goat, fish, pork and/or

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Procesador de matanza - Deshuesado

People with a slaughtering deboning career are deboning or boning beef, sheep, goat, fish, pork and/or poultry in a processing plant to meet compliance standards and targets. Depending on where

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Especialista en seguridad alimentaria/Técnico en control de calidad

Food safety specialists and quality control technicians ensure that food is processed, packaged and prepared safely as directed by the company and regulatory organizations. They divide their time between monitoring

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Genetista animal

Animal geneticists analyze the genetic makeup of animals to discover which genes cause them to behave certain ways. Geneticists may also study animal health to determine what causes animals to

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Representante de atención al cliente

This is a relationship or administrative role that ensures client needs are met and sales targets are achieved. A customer service representative acts as a liaison between customers and a

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Socios de AgExplorer
