Áreas de interés profesional

Comience a explorar áreas de enfoque profesional

Sistemas agroindustriales

Conecta el mundo de los negocios y la agricultura con una variedad de carreras diversas.

Sistemas de tecnología agrícola

Using technology in a variety of fields to increase yield, efficiency, and profitability.

Sistemas animales

Work directly with animals or with products that come from animals.

Sistemas de biotecnología

Enhance plants, animals and microorganisms to help solve global issues.

Sistemas de servicios medioambientales

Combine science and engineering to make Earth a cleaner and healthier place.

Productos alimentarios y sistemas de procesamiento

Work with the physical, chemical and biological make-up of foods.

Sistemas de recursos naturales

Develop, maintain and manage Earth's natural environments.

Sistemas de plantas

Understand plants and explore how they impact our world.

Sistemas eléctricos, estructurales y técnicos

Apply technology and science while working with equipment.

Sistemas de oficios cualificados

The application of specialized knowledge, abilities, and hands-on skills.

Sistemas de sostenibilidad

Looking at a balance between economic concerns and impact to the environment.

Socios de AgExplorer
