Meat Inspector

Meat inspectors examine meat products, such as beef, pork, seafood, poultry, etc., before packaging to ensure it is safe and that the processing follows quality-assurance regulations. Their work requires them to inspect live animals, game or poultry for any sign of disease or illness. They then inspect cuts of meat and make sure that unfit meat is destroyed properly and that the production facility is made aware of any concerns.

What Responsibilities Will I Have?

  • Inspect and grade various types and cuts of meat
  • Inspect live animals for signs of disease and illness
  • Ensure that unfit meat is destroyed properly
  • Report concerns or unfit product to production facility
  • Conduct postmortem examinations on diseased animals
  • Examine samples for bacterial or undesirable excess material
  • Prepare reports from test results and summarize findings
  • Observe employees and daily procedures to assure standards are met
  • Send animal tissue to lab for testing
  • Perform quality-control analysis
  • Serve as the on-site liaison with regulatory officials
  • Manage and perform maintenance inspections
  • Ensure strict adherence to good manufacturing practices (GMPs)
  • Manage vendor certification program
  • Direct and perform shelf-life inventory-related studies
  • Manage labeling and nutritional labeling requirements and assure adherence to policies

Recommended High School Courses:

  • agricultural education
  • mathematics
  • focus on sciences such as animal science, biology, chemistry and physical science

Education/Training Required:

A bachelor’s degree in food science, microbiology or meat science is required.

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