Agricultural Literacy and Advocacy Specialist

An agricultural literacy and advocacy specialist is responsible for designing, implementing and coordinating a platform that appropriately and consistently promotes agricultural literacy and advocacy.

These specialists will work with an organization to ensure that the most effective literacy and advocacy methods and technologies are being used. They will also work with marketing and communication specialists to develop appropriate messages for their audience and develop a social media plan to promote literacy and advocacy content.

What Responsibilities Will I Have?

  • Design and develop resources and content for literacy and advocacy
  • Develop and manage educational content that aligns with state educational standards
  • Ensure program resources and strategies to support specific outcomes
  • Develop a social media plan to promote literacy and advocacy content
  • Provide advocacy training to those with a vested interest in agriculture
  • Evaluate and track metrics from programs conducted
  • Create and manage budgets for programming
  • Investigate innovative ways to bring agriculture to audiences off the farm
  • Present to agricultural groups on the importance of agricultural advocacy and literacy
  • Engage with scientific affairs, state and local government and industry affairs

Recommended High School Courses:

  • agricultural education
  • computer skills
  • writing

Education/Training Required:

A bachelor’s degree in agricultural education, agricultural communications, communications or another agriculture-related field is required.

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