Un representante de servicios al concesionario es el contacto principal entre dos empresas en una relación de empresa a empresa. Los representantes de servicios a concesionarios apoyan a los concesionarios y al personal de campo con recursos, respuestas e información a través de
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Credit analysts recommend which companies, producers or individuals should be extended credit based on their financial records. These recommendations are based on in-depth analysis of potential clients’ finances and business
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College recruiters work to hire top talent into their respective company from targeted agricultural colleges and universities. They are different from a corporate recruiter in that they specialize in target
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Sales trainers develop curriculum for company sales staff to help them build their skill sets and ensure the objectives and goals of an organization are met. They will design instructor-led
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Risk management specialists manage financial risk for agricultural producers by identifying, measuring and advising on risks for an organization. They analyze and work with data based on studies they have
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Retail branch managers oversee the daily operations of a retail store including inventory, personnel, sales and finances. They also maintain good relations with local civic leaders, patrons and boards to
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Los recepcionistas desempeñan una función de servicio saludando a la gente y atendiendo las consultas de los clientes o del personal de la empresa. También se les puede pedir que se encarguen del correo saliente, organicen
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Real estate managers in agriculture are responsible for overseeing and supporting a company or business’s real estate strategies by managing all aspects of real estate transactions. They organize and manage
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Purchasing analysts look at market outlooks and determine when and what to buy when contracting with vendors, ordering supplies or making a big investment in a product. They work with
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Los gestores de procesos/mejora continua son responsables de supervisar los planes de mejora de procesos dentro de las empresas. En la agricultura, esto podría incluir ayudar a encontrar formas de reducir los residuos, mejorar la eficiencia de los equipos o de los procesos.
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