Desarrollador de aplicaciones informáticas

Information technology (IT) app developers use programs and equipment to design, build, test, produce and improve mobile apps. An IT app developer can provide businesses with apps for consumers or

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Analista de tecnologías de la información (TI)

Information technology (IT) analysts support the analytical needs of a business through the analysis of system data and summary reports. Their collections and reports contribute to decision making for improvements

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Subastador de ganado

A livestock auctioneer assists in the sale of animals at public auctions by assisting farmers in selecting and organizing bringing their livestock to the sale and signaling bids from audience

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Dispatchers play an important role in coordinating product shipments and transfers by combining aspects of logistics and customer service. They take calls from staff and customers, assist with communications and

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Científico de bioinformática

Bioinformatics is the science of collecting and analyzing complex biological data such as genetic codes. Bioinformatics scientists use technology and computer science to study and find solutions in the area

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Coordinador de saneamiento

Sanitation coordinators are responsible for all activities involved in maintaining the cleanliness of their assigned production area. They are responsible for the day-to-day execution of a sanitation team and coordinate

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Operador de lavadora a presión

Pressure washer operators control power washers to remove dirt, debris and staining within food and animal production facilities and animal transportation vehicles. To do this, they maintain established schedules as

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Científico de patentes/Abogado de patentes

Patent scientists (or patent attorneys) serve a unique role in large agricultural organizations that produce new products. Their responsibility is to evaluate patent (an exclusive right granted for an invention

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Biólogo molecular

Molecular biologists design and perform experiments to better understand the molecular processes in cells essential to life. They examine plant, animal or human cells at the molecular level and use

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Procesador de matanza - Percha/Cargador

In the process of slaughtering, a hanger/loader will hang or load carcasses and meat for processing slaughtered beef, sheep, goat, fish, pork and/or poultry. They will handle and pick up

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Socios de AgExplorer
