Especialista en documentación de exportación

Export documentation specialists are responsible for supporting export activities, overseeing the preparation of commercial documents and handling record-keeping requirements. They must communicate with appropriate internal and external customers, including trading

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Asistente ejecutiva

Executive assistants provide support to the chief executive officer (CEO) or president of the company while also serving as the primary business administrator for the head office. On behalf of

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Procesador de evisceración

Evisceration processors remove the internal organs from carcasses during meat processing. This process can include washing out carcasses, cutting and salvaging components of the animal as assigned and inspecting carcasses

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Especialista en compensación

Compensation specialists support all aspects of a company’s compensation programs, processes and initiatives. They assist in the implementation and administration of base pay and incentive programs. They also contribute to

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Especialista en comunicación

Communications specialists work in communications with primary responsibilities in the fields of writing, editing, branding, and public and media relations. They also write and coordinate the production of printed and

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Director de Operaciones

Los Directores de Operaciones (COO) son responsables de la gestión de las funciones administrativas y operativas cotidianas de una empresa. A menudo se les considera el segundo en la cadena de mando

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Director Financiero

A chief financial officer (CFO) is responsible for the entirety of the financial and accounting functions of a business, including managing resources and financial assets of a company and subsidiary

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Consejero Delegado

Chief executive officers (CEOs) are corporate executives who manage companies with the objective of attaining overall profitability and growth. They plan, develop, organize, implement, direct and evaluate a company or

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Orientador profesional/Coordinador de servicios profesionales

Career services professionals are responsible for preparing and facilitating career preparation programs for students in either secondary or collegiate educational atmospheres. They help students determine what their abilities and interests

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Analista presupuestario

Budget analysts are responsible for ensuring that a company’s profits and other resources are being used in the most adequate way possible. They study a company’s budget to find ways

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Socios de AgExplorer
