Inspector de carne

Meat inspectors examine meat products, such as beef, pork, seafood, poultry, etc., before packaging to ensure it is safe and that the processing follows quality-assurance regulations. Their work requires them

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Especialista en congelación/refrigeración

Freezer/refrigeration specialists direct, implement, audit and evaluate the maintenance, installation, and repair of cooling and refrigeration systems in the manufacturing and processing sectors. They play an important role in food

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Tecnólogo alimentario

Food technologists oversee all aspects of product development, review and approve nutritional data, write product specifications and enforce USDA labeling regulations on new and modified food products. They develop and

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Supervisor de producción alimentaria

Food production supervisors are responsible for the supervision and coordination of daily tasks in a food production facility. They ensure that food products are manufactured efficiently by coordinating and scheduling

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Ingeniero de diseño

Design engineers design and develop agricultural equipment and system products that allow farmers to improve the yield of their land. They also serve as a technical resource by participating in

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Técnico de montaje

Los técnicos de montaje ensamblan piezas para máquinas o equipos agrícolas manteniendo una mano de obra de calidad. Este puesto también requerirá capacidad mecánica y técnica para ayudar en el montaje de equipos.

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Peluquería canina

Pet groomers professionally groom dogs, cats and other pets. More specifically, a horse groom specializes in grooming, tacking and bathing horses. A pet groomer is responsible for the maintenance of

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Diseñador gráfico

Graphic designers create and design graphical marketing content and media using various software and technology. They work through various media producing the graphical elements of promotional materials: print, video, social

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Analista de cambio climático

Climate change analysts look at research and data about our planet’s climate. A career in this field can include looking at temperatures, polar ice caps, ocean conditions and greenhouse gases.

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Biostatisticians use mathematics and statistics to find ways to solve scientific problems. The biostatistician collaborates with other members on the team to determine study design, protocol development and how to

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Socios de AgExplorer
