Marine Biologist
Marine biologists study and complete research on aquatic organisms and their habitats. They design controlled laboratory and natural field experiments to meet their objectives. A marine biologist completes various tests including habitat assessments, fish salvage, water quality, sediment, vegetation and wildlife surveys. Additionally, they serve as experts regarding marine conservation and aquaculture practices.
What Responsibilities Will I Have?
- Observe marine wildlife and organisms in their natural habitats
- Inventory specific marine populations over periods of time and record findings
- Collect water, mineral and plant samples to test
- Measure water conditions to determine the value of life
- Dissect and preserve marine life
- Study aquatic life diseases and create plans to control outbreaks
- Monitor environmental pollution and effects of pollution on habitat
- Utilize various laboratory equipment, tools and computer programs
- Oversee activity and duties of assisting marine technicians
- Follow up with employer and invested third parties with research findings
- Write and publish journals or reports on research findings
- Oversee the care and maintenance of aquatic animals
- Serve as an expert regarding marine conservation
- Assist with implementation of safety measures and programs
- Maintain an up-to-date knowledge of various survey, sampling and data collection techniques
Recommended High School Courses:
- agricultural education
- animal science
- environmental science
- biology
- earth science
- statistics
- mathematics
Education/Training Required:
A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in marine biology or a closely related field is required to become a marine biologist. A master’s degree is often preferred, however.