Game Warden

Game wardens work at the state or federal level, enforcing laws related to hunting and fishing. They patrol an assigned region or area for violators of hunting and fishing laws. Game wardens may also be tasked with creating wildlife conservation programs and presentations for the public. Additionally, they will conduct investigations, interviews and interrogations on wildlife-related violations.

What Responsibilities Will I Have?

  • Patrol for violators of hunting and fishing laws
  • Apprehend violators and issue fines or citations
  • Arrest offenders and testify against them in court
  • Investigate reported conservation violations
  • Conduct investigations, interviews and interrogations on wildlife-related violations
  • Confiscate illegal or harmful items
  • Assist with wildlife conservation efforts
  • Catalog evidence and compile reports and other documentation associated with citations, investigations and other job-related responsibilities
  • Assist with hunting and fishing education and licensure
  • Communicate with other law enforcement professionals
  • Create wildlife conservation programs and presentations for all ages
  • Work with neighboring game wardens regarding environmental protocols
  • Assist in trapping and tagging wildlife for inventory studies, wildlife control and wildlife surveys

Recommended High School Courses:

  • agricultural education
  • natural resources
  • biology
  • earth science
  • mathematics

Education/Training Required:

Most game warden jobs require a bachelor’s degree in a relevant program such as environmental science, natural resources or wildlife management. Game wardens must also complete an approved training program in the state they plan to serve in. Federal game wardens complete this training at the federal level.
