Asistente veterinario

Veterinary assistants work alongside a veterinarian to assist in the care and medical treatment of sick or injured animals. They administer medications and collect samples such as blood and urine for testing. Furthermore, they maintain medical records of animals and keep a sanitary and sterile environment in the veterinary office.

¿Qué responsabilidades tendré?

  • Provide daily tactical support to assist veterinarians in health monitoring and diagnostics
  • Prepare surgery suites, equipment and the animal patient for surgery or examinations
  • Feed and weigh animals based on the veterinarian’s recommendations
  • Handle and restrain animals to complete procedures such as administering medications and collecting samples
  • Ensure that livestock or animals in assigned care are fed, cleaned, groomed and exercised
  • Conduct laboratory work including microbiology, sample serum preparation and supply management
  • Maintain accurate and up-to-date medical records of animals and treatments
  • Keep a sanitary and sterile environment in examination rooms, kennels, cages and/or pens
  • Clean and sterilize medical tools and equipment

Cursos de bachillerato recomendados:

  • educación agrícola
  • veterinary science
  • empresa
  • zootecnia
  • biología
  • química
  • conocimientos informáticos
  • matemáticas

Formación requerida:

A high school diploma or equivalent is required to become a veterinary assistant or associate. To assist a specialty veterinarian, an associate degree in animal science, veterinary medicine or veterinary technology is typically required.

Socios de AgExplorer
