Comprador de ganado

A livestock buyer will oversee and participate in the buying, selling and selection of livestock for companies and individuals. Livestock buyers use their knowledge to track desirable qualities of livestock, average prices and market trends across the industry to make the best purchases for their clients. They identify daily livestock sale opportunities and offer a range of pricing, hedging (a risk-management tool for a producer who is feeding livestock to market and wants protection from falling prices in the cash markets) and service alternatives to growers in the designated region.

¿Qué responsabilidades tendré?

  • Identify livestock acquisition (purchasing) opportunities
  • Secure a constant flow of business by offering a range of service alternatives to clients
  • Negotiate prices with growers and suppliers
  • Prepare regular reports for analysis by management
  • Recommend solutions to problems involved in the preparation of contracts
  • Schedule transportation for animals to and from the sale location
  • Advise growers regarding care of livestock to ensure safe and efficient production
  • Identificar las cualidades deseables del ganado, como la edad, la raza, el peso, etc.
  • Stay up to date regarding market conditions and animal supply
  • Transfer information to the scale house coordinators
  • Ensure regulatory guidelines are being met
  • Assist farmers in selecting, organizing and transporting livestock for sale
  • Assist in the organization of livestock including number assignment

Cursos de bachillerato recomendados:

  • educación agrícola
  • empresa
  • finanzas personales
  • matemáticas
  • centrarse en ciencias como la zootecnia y la biología

Formación requerida:

Livestock buyers may benefit by obtaining an associate degree in animal science, agricultural business or marketing.

Socios de AgExplorer
