Procesador de datos

Los procesadores de datos proporcionan apoyo administrativo para la captura y transferencia de información para su almacenamiento, procesamiento o transmisión. Introducen datos agrícolas en ordenadores, incluidos informes, listas de correo, nóminas, registros de personal...

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Especialista en marketing digital

A digital marketing specialist helps agriculture companies increase brand awareness while marketing their products and services to customers across digital channels such as social media, email and webpages. Working with

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Liderazgo en agricultura digital

Digital faming leads are responsible for providing support and technical assistance to growers for the implementation of digital products and tools on farms. They provide knowledge and advice for specific

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Agente/especialista en seguros de cultivos

Working for an insurance company, a crop insurance agent/specialist works with farmers to help manage risk and protect against the loss of crops from events like natural disasters or market

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Responsable de desarrollo de productos/ Planificador de la demanda

Product development managers and demand planners plan, develop, deliver and report on new products that help to drive growth for businesses. They assess the profitability of potential new products by

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Especialista en relaciones públicas

Public relations specialists are responsible for creating and maintaining a positive company brand for both employees and clientele. They work closely with managers in the process of company actions to

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Agente de extensión

Extension agents are employed by land-grant universities and serve the citizens of that state by serving as an expert or teacher on a topic relating to economics, community development, agriculture,

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Asesor de cultivos

A crop advisor’s main role is to provide knowledge, advice and assistance in the management of crop growth. Crop advisors maintain a close relationship with their clients and scout their

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Reclutador corporativo

A corporate recruiter provides a full array of recruiting services to an organization including sourcing, attracting and selecting talent to work for a company. Most recruiters work for staffing agencies

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Responsable de marca

Brand managers help to create and manage the perceptions that consumers have of their company’s brand(s). To improve brand perceptions, they utilize consumer research and monitor consumer trends to track

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Socios de AgExplorer
