Técnico en Protección y Ciencias Medioambientales

Environmental science and protection technicians will typically work under the direction of a lead environmental scientist, biologist or ecologist to conduct environmental monitoring through lab and field testing. Additionally, they

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Responsable de cumplimiento de la normativa medioambiental

Environmental compliance officers enforce and implement environmental laws regarding water, oil, gas, energy and other environmental sectors. Additionally, they must perform environmental compliance audits and implement follow-up corrective actions to

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Soil scientists study soil characteristics, map soil types and investigate the responses of soils under certain conditions by researching the chemical composition, structure and properties of soil. They perform scientific

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Entomologists are scientists who focus specifically on the study of insects. They examine insect growth, behavior, nutrition and how they interact with plants. Additionally, they design and implement research plans

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Técnico en cría en agua salada

Saltwater husbandry technicians are responsible for general farm operations including the feeding and care of fish grown in a saltwater habitat. Their duties require them to test and maintain saltwater

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Asociado de ventas y entrega de propano

Propane sales and delivery associates are responsible for the sale and delivery of propane to farms and businesses and act as the face of the company when delivering to customers.

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Plant breeders study seed characteristics and work to improve those characteristics that are most desirable for a plant, such as yield, size, quality, maturity and resistance to frost, drought, disease

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A nematologist specifically studies nematodes (microscopic roundworms that can transmit diseases and/or attack soil, water and insects) and their interaction with plants. Nematologists develop methods and apparatuses (tools and equipment)

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Director de biorrefinería

Biorefining managers work to convert biomass (plant-based materials used as fuel) into fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel and chemicals to create more sustainable solutions to fuel our planet. They

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Los soldadores sueldan estructuras de acero para edificios, máquinas y otros equipos utilizando equipos de soldadura manuales o semiautomáticos. Cortan y unen materiales para montar, instalar y reparar equipos.

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Socios de AgExplorer
