Fitólogo/Ingeniero agrónomo de campo

Plant scientists, also called field agronomists, study plants to help producers of food, animal feed and fiber grow plants that are healthy and more efficient. They plan, budget, perform, document

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Biólogo marino

Marine biologists study and complete research on aquatic organisms and their habitats. They design controlled laboratory and natural field experiments to meet their objectives. A marine biologist completes various tests

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Transportista de ganado

Livestock haulers safely and efficiently deliver livestock from a farm to a market or processing plant with animal welfare being their foremost concern. They are responsible for all needed maintenance

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Clasificadora de ganado/carne

Livestock graders serve the purpose of assuring that accurate grades are placed on livestock that is sold according to standards set by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Meat

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Comprador de ganado

A livestock buyer will oversee and participate in the buying, selling and selection of livestock for companies and individuals. Livestock buyers use their knowledge to track desirable qualities of livestock,

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Superintendente del campo de golf

A golf course superintendent manages and directs the maintenance, management and operation of golf courses. They conduct routine inspection of equipment and vehicles to ensure productivity and safety of the

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Técnico de producción de semillas

Seed production technicians manage the planning, strategy and production of seed for a company. They assist growers throughout the entire field production cycle of a seed from planting to harvest.

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Científico de análisis geoespacial

Geospatial analytics scientists assess, integrate, manipulate and extract data from Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and other databases to improve software platforms used in precision agriculture. They apply their knowledge of

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Técnico de pesca

Fisheries technicians oversee and assist in the daily work completed at a fishery. They ensure fish are healthy, properly housed and fed and are responsible for general maintenance around the

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Operador de fábrica de piensos

Feed mill operators are responsible for assisting in the operations of the mill and feed crews during the process of storing, mixing and delivering feed for cattle, hogs or poultry.

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Socios de AgExplorer
