Fisioterapeuta de animales

An animal physical therapist (or a rehabilitation veterinarian) rehabilitates animals that have had surgery or an amputation, been injured, suffer from chronic pain or have mobility issues based on their

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Genetista animal

Animal geneticists analyze the genetic makeup of animals to discover which genes cause them to behave certain ways. Geneticists may also study animal health to determine what causes animals to

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Director comercial

Trade managers are responsible for managing an organization’s trading operations and performing market research. They support the growth of their companies by building a strong understanding of market issues and

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Asociado de Desarrollo de Negocio Internacional

International business development associates are responsible for helping companies strengthen sales, boost brand awareness and accomplish other goals in international markets. They will perform market research to determine which markets

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Responsable de Diversidad e Inclusión

A diversity and inclusion (D&I) lead is responsible for creating and implementing plans that promote and support diversity and inclusion for an organization. Diversity is involving people from a range

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Director de Compras

A director of procurement is responsible for the strategic procurement of the commodities, supplies and services used by an organization. Directors of procurement have the corporate responsibility to coordinate directly

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Responsable de Sostenibilidad

Sustainability managers are responsible for managing a company or organization’s environmental impact, resources and plans. They provide leadership to address energy use, resource conservation, waste management and any other aspects

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Analista de datos

Los analistas de datos se encargan de recopilar, analizar e interpretar datos para organizaciones agrícolas. Toman grandes conjuntos de datos, identifican patrones y desarrollan modelos estadísticos y matemáticos que ayudan a las empresas a

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Ingeniero de Recursos Hídricos

Water resource engineers are responsible for undertaking and leading a range of hydrology and hydraulics projects for controlling water as it pertains to irrigation, waste development and flood mitigation. They

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Estratega tecnológico

Los estrategas tecnológicos son responsables de gestionar y maximizar el valor aportado por la tecnología dentro de una organización o empresa. Conocen a fondo las operaciones de su organización y dirigirán

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Socios de AgExplorer
