Un puesto de configurador de tecnologías de la información (TI) es un puesto de consultor funcional, normalmente especializado en la configuración (combinaciones específicas de hardware y software utilizadas en los sistemas de TI) de grandes empresas.
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Financial analysts look at various parts of a company’s finances to help the company make better financial decisions. They will develop and recommend broad financial policies and exercise control over
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Fermentation scientists study microorganisms in the fermentation process and how they relate to fuels, pharmaceuticals, food, plants and animals. They design and execute critical fermentation processes ranging from small benchtop
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People employed as extension faculty work at the university level, conducting research and providing programming in their specialty area. In addition to their research, they seek out agriculture and natural
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Controllers maintain all finances and budgetary practices for a company by bookkeeping, budgeting and creating financial reports. They act in a financial leadership role by overseeing the activities of the
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Seed production agronomists are responsible for the management and execution of all phases of seed production to ensure a high quality, reliable and timely supply is delivered to the facility.
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Export sales managers serve as intermediaries between foreign buyers and domestic sellers. Typically, export managers find buyers internationally for domestic product manufacturers who produce raw goods, processed agricultural goods, equipment
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A cotton gin and warehouse manager oversees all operations involved in cotton ginning processes and working relationships with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Cotton Classing offices, cotton producers,
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Los Directores de Operaciones (COO) son responsables de la gestión de las funciones administrativas y operativas cotidianas de una empresa. A menudo se les considera el segundo en la cadena de mando
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A chief financial officer (CFO) is responsible for the entirety of the financial and accounting functions of a business, including managing resources and financial assets of a company and subsidiary
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