Cargador de ganado

Livestock loaders assist in loading market livestock on and off trucks. They assure safety by using proper animal handling techniques while loading and maintaining proper animal welfare. This includes following proper biosecurity guidelines and procedures. A livestock loader will assist in keeping records of loads as well as ensuring all assets are accounted for within loads.

¿Qué responsabilidades tendré?

  • Ensure the practice of proper animal handling and animal welfare
  • Follow proper biosecurity guidelines
  • Assist in preparing schedules for loads and arrange transportation as needed
  • Ensure proper health care of animals
  • Lift or move animals manually as needed
  • Maintain a clean environment and clean equipment regularly
  • Maintain proper maintenance on loading equipment and service regularly
  • Maintain records of completed loads and ensure loads contain all assets needed

Cursos de bachillerato recomendados:

  • educación agrícola
  • empresa
  • zootecnia
  • Español
  • matemáticas

Formación requerida:

To fulfill the position of a livestock loader, a high school diploma is required as is a valid driver’s license and knowledge of the livestock industry chosen.

Socios de AgExplorer
