Apiary Worker/Beekeeper
Un trabajador del colmenar, a menudo llamado apicultor, mantiene y gestiona colonias de abejas melíferas para la producción de miel, así como para proporcionar servicios de polinización. Los apicultores también construyen colmenas, sustituyen panales y recogen y envasan los productos de la colmena, como miel, cera de abeja y polen. Además, deben mantener un control estricto de las enfermedades y plagas e identificar y notificar los problemas de salud de las colmenas.
Carrera profesional también conocida como:
- Apicultor
¿Qué responsabilidades tendré?
- Maintain colonies of healthy bees for pollination and production of honey
- Ensure sufficient food reserves and maintain appropriate records
- Make decisions on yards, treatment, splits, honey harvesting and all other beekeeping activities
- Build and manage queen-rearing operations
- Ensure breeding yards are kept at an optimal level of production
- Identify and report hive health concerns and maintain proper documentation of all concerns
- Market honey products to consumers or distributors
- Prepare colonies for both production and wintering during season changes
- Train other beekeepers
- Meet the objectives set by the lead and keep them informed of objective progress throughout the season
- Participate in ongoing research and development trials
- Adhere to safety and cleaning policies based on industry standards to maintain beekeeping equipment and environment
- Keep colony records
Cursos de bachillerato recomendados:
- agricultural education, especially horticulture
- biología
- matemáticas
- natural resources
- Spanish as a second language (depending on geographical area)
Formación requerida:
A high school degree will suffice for most employers, but if you would like a management or research position in relation to beekeeping, earning an associate or bachelor’s degree in entomology or biology is beneficial. You may also attend short courses offered by colleges or extension offices.