Fisioterapeuta de animales

Un fisioterapeuta animal (o un veterinario rehabilitador) rehabilita a los animales que han sufrido una operación o una amputación, se han lesionado, padecen dolor crónico o tienen problemas de movilidad por su edad. El objetivo de un fisioterapeuta animal es rehabilitar a los animales para que puedan disfrutar de una mayor calidad de vida.

¿Qué responsabilidades tendré?

  • Complete various examinations and testing for diagnosis and ongoing maintenance of animals
  • Determine a proper rehabilitation or recovery plan
  • Communicate with clients and veterinarians to agree on a rehabilitation plan and determine medical treatment
  • Utilize laser therapy, ultrasound, shockwave and radiography equipment
  • Assist animal patients in strengthening and exercise routines
  • Perform stretches and massages on animal patients
  • Organize follow-up examinations with clients following completion of rehabilitation
  • Cumplir los protocolos de seguridad estándar y mantener un entorno limpio y estéril.

Cursos de bachillerato recomendados:

  • educación agrícola
  • biología
  • anatomía
  • zootecnia
  • matemáticas

Formación requerida:

A minimum of a master’s degree in physical therapy is required for this path. However, veterinarians with a doctorate in veterinary medicine, veterinary technicians with a bachelor’s degree or assistant physical therapists with a bachelor’s degree may also work as animal physical therapists. There are typically emphases or concentrations on animal physical therapy that you may pursue while earning your degree.

Socios de AgExplorer
