Encargado de algodón y almacén

A cotton gin and warehouse manager oversees all operations involved in cotton ginning processes and working relationships with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Cotton Classing offices, cotton producers, employees and others. (A cotton gin is a machine for separating cotton from its seeds.)

¿Qué responsabilidades tendré?

  • Oversee ginning operations and equipment maintenance
  • Ensure all phases of machinery operations are calibrated and functioning correctly
  • Transport harvested cotton from field to gin
  • Oversee receiving and shipment operations
  • Dry, clean and remove cotton seed from lint
  • Bale and package cotton
  • Manage the stock and storage of cotton, ensuring cotton is stored properly to avoid incident
  • Package and ship samples to USDA Cotton Classing offices
  • Manage data and report bale ID numbers and sample classing data
  • Market and facilitate sale and shipment of cotton bales with brokers
  • Manage workplace performance and lead training initiatives
  • Work on the logistical storage of cotton bales in warehouses
  • Oversee gin safety protocols and procedures according to regulatory agencies
  • Market cotton seed and gin trash to potential buyers
  • Lead producer-owner relationships and manage board of director meetings and initiatives if the gin is a cooperative

Cursos de bachillerato recomendados:

  • educación agrícola
  • physics
  • agricultural mechanics
  • contabilidad
  • empresa
  • plant science
  • computer skills
  • matemáticas

Formación requerida:

A bachelor’s degree in agricultural business, agricultural economics, crop science or a related field is required. It is recommended that a nonbusiness major has at least a minor in business. A master’s degree or years of experience working at a cotton gin or in the cotton industry will give applicants a competitive edge.

Socios de AgExplorer
