Especialista en energías alternativas

Alternative energy specialists act as technical representatives and subject matter experts on alternative energies such as wind, solar and water. They work with public and private sector groups to devise

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An agronomist is knowledgeable about the production of field crops, including all the variables involved such as soil and land management, nutrient needs, water needs, pest control and minimizing environmental

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Grupo de presión agrícola

Agriculture lobbyists work to make sure government officials hear the voice and position of companies, organizations, industries and even communities. It is their goal to influence policy development and look

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Director de contabilidad

Accounting managers are responsible for the administration of accounting, management of accounts and organizational budgeting. They oversee all accounting processes completed by the accountants who report to them. Additionally, they

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Biólogo de fauna salvaje

A wildlife biologist studies and oversees the protection and management of an assigned population of one or several species of animals and/or plants. Some wildlife biologists can specialize their work

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Químico formulador

Formulation chemists design and develop new agrochemical formulations and support existing products that meet the needs of farmers. To do so, these chemists will independently plan, organize and conduct experiments

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Desarrollo de productos Científico de alimentos

Los científicos especializados en desarrollo de productos alimentarios se encargan de mejorar o crear nuevos métodos de procesado, enlatado, congelación, almacenamiento, envasado o distribución de alimentos. Coordinarán, planificarán, diseñarán y ejecutarán el desarrollo de productos

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Coordinadora del Programa de Extensión Juvenil

Extension youth program coordinators work as academic staff members of a county extension office, typically overseeing county 4-H clubs and youth development programs. They provide leadership, guidance and opportunities for

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Especialista en gestión de riesgos

Risk management specialists manage financial risk for agricultural producers by identifying, measuring and advising on risks for an organization. They analyze and work with data based on studies they have

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Educador postsecundario - Profesor universitario

Los educadores postsecundarios imparten cursos a nivel universitario dentro de su área de especialización. Algunos también investigan, publican trabajos originales, solicitan subvenciones y supervisan a licenciados.

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