Jefe de producción

Production leads support daily operations of production and manufacturing facilities for a given department. Working closely with production supervisors, they provide leadership and manage work teams while monitoring manufacturing and

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Analista político

Los analistas políticos estudian cómo afectan las leyes, las políticas gubernamentales y los reglamentos actuales y propuestos a las personas, las organizaciones y la comunidad. Llevan a cabo investigaciones detalladas para determinar la eficacia de las políticas y sugerir

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Director de operaciones

Operations managers are responsible for overseeing the operational activities at every level of an organization, making sure that they run smoothly. They identify ways that manufacturing operations can meet production

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Lugar/Director de planta o Superintendente

Location/plant managers or superintendents are responsible for overseeing the daily operations of manufacturing and processing facilities, such as those that produce animal feed for livestock. They monitor production outcomes and

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Jefe de laboratorio

Los jefes de laboratorio gestionan las operaciones cotidianas de todas las tareas de un laboratorio. Cumplen las normas sanitarias y de seguridad, mejoran los procesos de funcionamiento del laboratorio y orientan y forman a los técnicos de laboratorio.

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Desarrollador de software de tecnologías de la información (TI)

Los desarrolladores de software crean programas para ordenadores u otros dispositivos que cubren una necesidad específica o un nicho dentro de una empresa agrícola. Actúan de forma proactiva aportando sugerencias en relación con el producto

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Nutritionists or dietitians advise clients on their food selection based on their lifestyles, tastes and health needs. They research and stay up to date with nutritional science. They use their

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Representante de ventas internas

Inside sales representatives are responsible for selling an agricultural product or service for their company over the phone or via email. They manage the accounts within their territories, maintain positive

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Científico genómico

The genome is the complete set of genes or genetic material in a cell or organism. Genomics is a branch of molecular biology concentrated on genomes. Genomic scientists study and

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A formulator of animal feed formulates various feed formulas for the daily diets of specific types of animals. Formulators combine their knowledge of nutrition, feed ingredient characteristics and feed production

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Socios de AgExplorer
