Los consultores de soluciones integradas prestan servicios de asesoramiento especializado para la venta y asistencia de productos y servicios de agricultura de precisión. Se ganan la credibilidad de los agricultores y ganaderos gracias a su profundo conocimiento de la agricultura de precisión.
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Integrated pest management specialists are responsible for developing and managing a financially sound and environmentally safe pest management strategy for customers. They work to develop an integrated pest management (IPM)
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Heavy duty equipment technicians inspect, diagnose, troubleshoot, repair and verify the repair of heavy duty equipment such as front-end loaders, dozers, dump trucks and compactors. During repairs, they will work
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Un técnico de drones (también conocido como técnico de vehículos aéreos no tripulados) es responsable de la reparación y el mantenimiento de vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV). Los técnicos de drones realizan trabajos prácticos con herramientas manuales,
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Environmental engineers investigate issues within the environment and design solutions in areas such as water, air pollution and waste management. Additionally, they use scientific data to analyze naturally occurring environmental
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Digital faming leads are responsible for providing support and technical assistance to growers for the implementation of digital products and tools on farms. They provide knowledge and advice for specific
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Working for an insurance company, a crop insurance agent/specialist works with farmers to help manage risk and protect against the loss of crops from events like natural disasters or market
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Restoration specialists investigate the connections between organisms and the environment in a variety of settings and make recommendations for improvements to reestablish natural ecosystems. Much of this work will typically
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Extension agents are employed by land-grant universities and serve the citizens of that state by serving as an expert or teacher on a topic relating to economics, community development, agriculture,
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Environmental scientists and specialists direct and support land and nutrient management operations to comply with company programs and regulatory requirements. They will conduct research and manage ecological studies that relate
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