Gestor de explotaciones agrícolas/ Contable

Farm business managers/accountants are responsible for the administration of management accounts and accounting processes as well as organizational budgeting. They must analyze, report and give advice on financial dealings, record

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Gestor de eventos

Event managers are responsible for planning and organizing events and obtaining permits, if needed, to host an event at a venue. An event manager’s role is to make sure the

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Adquisición de productos básicos/comercializador

Commodity procurement/merchandisers will work with one or more commodities needed by a particular company. This person will be in charge of locating, trading, purchasing and customer account management as it

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Tasador certificado

A certified appraiser evaluates and places a monetary value on items as needed for situations like division of properties, appraising conservation easements, valuing agribusinesses, estate planning and establishing value for

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Monitor de bioseguridad

Biosecurity monitors undertake the full range of biosecurity inspection duties. They are especially concerned with controlling pests and the spread of disease to animals, plants or the environment. Biosecurity monitors

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Aquaculturists understand the growth, development and production of aquatic animals. Aquaculturists work to bring a variety of healthy fish, lobsters, crabs and more from aquatic environments to our dinner tables.

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Socios de AgExplorer
