Monitor de bioseguridad

Biosecurity monitors undertake the full range of biosecurity inspection duties. They are especially concerned with controlling pests and the spread of disease to animals, plants or the environment. Biosecurity monitors

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Aquaculturists understand the growth, development and production of aquatic animals. Aquaculturists work to bring a variety of healthy fish, lobsters, crabs and more from aquatic environments to our dinner tables.

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Biotecnólogo animal: Especialista en reproducción o nutrición

Animal biotechnologists study the impact of nutrients of feed on animal reproductive processes to develop methods for improved animal health and more efficient production. They can be responsible for the

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Asesor: Relaciones entre el gobierno y las partes interesadas

Advisers work with individuals, groups or organizations to advise them on policy, regulation and current legislative affairs. If possible, they work to ensure their employer’s needs are heard and met

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Abogado agrícola

Agriculture is one of the most regulated industries in our society today, so it is fitting that there are lawyers who specialize in laws pertaining to agriculture. Lawyers are professionals

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Socios de AgExplorer
