Fitólogo/Ingeniero agrónomo de campo

Plant scientists, also called field agronomists, study plants to help producers of food, animal feed and fiber grow plants that are healthy and more efficient. They plan, budget, perform, document

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Biólogo marino

Marine biologists study and complete research on aquatic organisms and their habitats. They design controlled laboratory and natural field experiments to meet their objectives. A marine biologist completes various tests

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Científico de bioinformática

Bioinformatics is the science of collecting and analyzing complex biological data such as genetic codes. Bioinformatics scientists use technology and computer science to study and find solutions in the area

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Científico de patentes/Abogado de patentes

Patent scientists (or patent attorneys) serve a unique role in large agricultural organizations that produce new products. Their responsibility is to evaluate patent (an exclusive right granted for an invention

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Biólogo molecular

Molecular biologists design and perform experiments to better understand the molecular processes in cells essential to life. They examine plant, animal or human cells at the molecular level and use

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Científico de análisis geoespacial

Geospatial analytics scientists assess, integrate, manipulate and extract data from Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and other databases to improve software platforms used in precision agriculture. They apply their knowledge of

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Nutricionista de rumiantes

A ruminant nutritionist’s goal is to research and provide advice on feed product selection, maintenance feeding programs and modification of diets to meet certain desired outcomes in ruminants (hoofed animals

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Zoologists study the behavior of animals and wildlife and studies the diseases and genetics of animals across the globe or in specific areas. After conducting research activities and experiments around

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Patólogo veterinario

Veterinary pathologists are doctors of veterinary medicine who diagnose diseases by examining animal tissue and body fluids. Anatomical veterinary pathologists diagnose disease based on examination of organs, tissues and bodies.

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Veterinario de pequeños animales

Small animal veterinarians are responsible for maintaining the health of animals as well as the diagnosis and treatment of sickness, disease and injury in companion animals. They primarily work with

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Socios de AgExplorer
