Especialista en agricultura de precisión

Los especialistas en agricultura de precisión prestan apoyo y asistencia técnica a los agricultores que utilizan tecnologías de precisión en sus explotaciones. Utilizando estas tecnologías, los especialistas en agricultura de precisión crean y aplican planes para que los agricultores mejoren la salud de sus campos. La agricultura de precisión es un método de cultivo que utiliza innovaciones tecnológicas como sistemas de posicionamiento global (GPS), drones, sensores, muestreo del suelo y otra maquinaria de precisión.

¿Qué responsabilidades tendré?

  • Set up differential GPS on farms
  • Implement variable rate application (the application of a material where application is based on the precise location or qualities of the area instead of one application for the entire field) of lime and nutrients
  • Be accountable for all aspects of record keeping and data management for clients
  • Assist in business plans and marketing precision agriculture program to producers
  • Network with local government and extension leaders
  • Participate in meetings within the sales area
  • Maintain and build relationships with growers
  • Provide technical service and recommendations to clients
  • Assist customers in installing and calibrating their precision equipment
  • Provide training for clients and other retail employees in precision agriculture
  • Assist in handling customer concerns and complaints
  • Interpret satellite remote sensing to identify and map field variability
  • Prepare fertility, fungicide and seeding maps and recommendations
  • Use satellite imagery, GPS, drones and application equipment to locate fields and perform soil sampling duties in the field
  • Provide agronomic services in the field using scouting apps or software
  • Perform data analysis using software technology for each client
  • Be responsible for mapping fields, ground truthing soil zones and performing soil sampling duties in the field

Cursos de bachillerato recomendados:

  • educación agrícola, especialmente mecánica agrícola
  • matemáticas
  • centrarse en ciencias como la química y la biología

Formación requerida:

A college diploma or bachelor’s degree in agricultural engineering, agronomy, agricultural business or information technology (IT) is required. Having your certified crop adviser certification may also be required.

Socios de AgExplorer
